Sunday, September 24, 2006

Day 1, Friday, Sept 8, 2006 – Phnom Penh! We’re here…
Rushing and cleaning the house before departing Medan – dealing with two little girls, … THEY ARE ANGELS!!! A house and a husband is never a fast task.. One has to deal with tons of little details before departing for fun… (gosh, I did feel a it guilty leaving them all behind – but this travel is perhaps once in a life time)

Putra, dropped me at the Polonia airport. Quick kiss on his cheek and promises to sms all the time. The kids were just confused. “Amie! Are you going to Malaysia” little Dasha shouted. “No, this is my trip to Cambodia. Behave okay sweety, if you behave and do well in school you’re coming with me next time” I paid the IDR 75,000 International gate tax at Polonia, checked in at the (the best! Airfare was Asia Air.. this is not promotion but the truth!)

In Kuala Lumpur, as I arrived and boredom strike. I put on make up that I never had the chance to put on that morning. Suddenly a shout, from what I found out from a crazy enough girl who is dared enough to travel with me, without even knowing it is going to work out or not. Crazy? Maybe. Spontaneous people? Definitely.

Suddenly a girl in a head scarf shouted in the hall of LCCT (Low Cost Carrier Terminal), “ Rachma, RACHMA!) She ran in excitement to me, with her hmmmm...-pretty big back pack I shall say-and we hugged as we have known each other for years. With big smiles on our faces we went to find a Musholla for praying. Travel is a must, but Allah comes first. From there to a Malay Restaurant in the airport that cost them RM8 per person for a plate of Nasi Lemak and Hot Tea – total up to RM 16.

Talk, talk, talk endlessly until the flight to Phnom Penh was ready to board. More talk on the 2 hours flight. Until they landed in the airport in Phnom Penh. First impression I see in Cambodia is the airport is way nice compared to Polonia. Clean, in order, but only the immigration was asking, confusingly?, NaaaHHH.. for USD 1 for picture since we did not have any for us…. Another immigration guy was asking for USD 2. Anyway, I paid a dollar plus the USD 20 for tourist visa. We passed the immigration point. I smiled to the camera in my best of the best smile. Why not!!, Esti posed in Korean girls’ pose (meaning with two fingers doing the peace sign), we were being nice and friendly to the immigration guy.

As we walked out from the terminal looking for Cigil who promise will pick us up at the airport. Man.. it was hard to notice him among the other Cambodian people. This Cigil is like shadows… so mysterious… NOT! And… there he is! We all hugged and laughed as always. We talked about Indonesia, the work, teasing Cigil as always,… or perhaps as Cigil says is threatening him… but that is our routine! Cigil is a cool man! (Nope, I take that back Cigil, Esti and I are waaaaay cooler!)

Entering the outskirt of Phnom Penh I recall my boss’ explanation (and thanks boss! For convincing me to go to Siem Reap!) that this is definitely like Medan in the 70’s. Activities were seen slow and easy. Everyone was just laid back enjoying the day. Cars moved slowly, and I could see bicycle here and there. But what I love the most is the nice sweet Siamese faces – sort of reminded me of my time of staying in Thai long, long, long ago.

Mr. Pheng, our drover, finally got us to the Imperial Garden. Finally! It was the precise time to straighten my legs. Settled in and chatted again until it suddenly got dark outside. We never realize the night has arrived! We zoomed out to Okay Restaurant just across the stret. The food was good. We had (and managed to strongly force them to make Halal food.. No pork! No pork pleeease….No pork!) beef with oyster sauce, chicken with green pepper, and chicken fried noodle. We shared the dishes and of course, yeah, completed with steamed rice. But the best of the best is the HOT TEA! I was so glad the Cambodian people are really good in making just the right tea, with perfect sweetness and temperature. That hot teas was definitely my energy source. Esti was also a tea person, meanwhile Cigil who is by race should be a tea person but he preferred Coke!!! (What’s wrong with ya Cigil??? Tea is your root!!)

The night was nice for a walk, so we did. I was happy. It was a good long walk under the clear sky and stars. We walked along the Ton le Sap river, passing the front side of the palace. After buying some rambutans, we walked some more to get back to the hotel.

The night became very late, but Esti and I had so many things that we want to share – just about life, about us, about work, about principals, families. We talked up to 2 am until we got so tired and decided to get our full rest for the next day.