Sunday, September 30, 2007

Short Stop in America Land

Sarah and Sarah and
Sarah...and peace!

'Sarah Anna', again the name that immediately strike into my head as I got the info for the training in Washington DC. The training, splendid! would be valuable, the reunion! That is also not less important. Soon after arriving in DC, immediately my head was filled with thousands of little plans. Call Sarah, set meeting with Sarah, tell Sarah hotel info, call Hoa and Nga, plan a day with Hoa and Nga, or even more.

The day at FSI was as always, busy as students and just love seating there in their yard watching the geese walking here and there. Late summer breeze was blowing into my face and there I was, talking with FSN from Palestine and Netherland, from Afghanistan and Israel.... , Tokyo and Seoul.. it is amazing, here we are working for the same institution and we can keep the peace there. If only the world can be transfered with the peace in our little FSI community.

Then there she was, Sarah! We were just too happy and thrilled but the reunion was not all that dramatic since we had to follow another car to go to Hoa and Nga's. Anyway, DC is DC.. but what was fun was the walk like the old days. And also was fun to again enjoyed the cusine of House of Hoa (Hoa..I want more recipe!..nope.. fix that.. I want more spring rolls!) hee hee
Returning to Stonington was pretty calm. Simply went to Four Starr Frame Shop, attended a cocktail party at Howard, bake some ginger bread cooklies (Sarah did that really), stamping 200 postcard.

The trip was ended by solitair trip to San Fransisco. I love the city! Reminds me of what Dad always said: Go to Golden Gate! Awesome! and it was...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Our Brothers': Malaysia and Singapore :)

Another Exploration with You

Another Exploration was in 2006 and 2007 when Putra was just about to depart for USM. We thought, hmm.. this is about time we should just explore some part of the neighboring country, Malaysia and Singapore. It will be just like college again, more just like college since we will not bring Dasha and Aqila along. Thanks to Air Asia, we managed a pretty cheap trip across the Melacca Strait. Then another exploration was with the girls, making sure they can adapt to our travelling style.

Looking back to 2006, as we arrive at Kuala Lumpur, it was just totally 'go with the flow' we did not have any hotel reservation - simply took the shuttle from the LCCT to Pudu Raya Station. Cool! We arrive at nigth and starved with hot meal. Luckily food was no problemo in Kuala Lumpur, even with the strong spices we can handle (we thought) as we dived into the cuisine of Nasi Mamak. Ayam Chappati, briyani rice, teh tarek - we were all set. I was totally fit, even though the rain was soking my outfit, but I was fine - we were just like happy kids with the rain.

Scrolling the isles of Bukit Bintang area, we finally found what became out favorite guest house - Eight Hotel (Hotel Delapan) - the coziest guest house for us. Located on Tengkat Tong Shin Road, in front of it are lines of restaurants. The management often put out tea light candle on its porch at night, just easy atmosphere to chat.
Kuala Lumpur was great, we explored Genting Higland as well, to prepare to take the girls there, which we did later on by August 2007. Even though many have said Genting is tacky, but to me, I think it is fine! Hey, where else can Medanese take their kids to experience rides, correct? Certainly not to Jakarta I say, too far!
In 2006 we tried the bus to go to Singapore. In 2007 we took the train from KL Sentral - which is much more convinient. Teh train took 10 hours, which allowed us to sleep in. Arriving in the morning for immigration check then proceed to hotel.

Our option in 2006 was in Little India. 2007 was changed to Bugis Junction area, much closer to lots of food and hang out to see the city. Definitely a place to go to.

We tried below:

If arrive by plane: taxi from airport to Sungai Penuh Station around RM 30
If arrive from KL: at Sungai Penuh Station, taxi to Cititel is RM 30
Where to eat: Sup Kambing nearby Cititel
Place to stay: Cititel (with voucher booked from Medan you can get better rate)
Where to go: too much! Rumah Nyonya, George town, Bukit Bendera, Komtar, Feringhi, Tj. Bunga

Kuala Lumpur:
If arrive by plane: taxi from airport to LCCT to Pudu Raya Station (there is a new shuttle that hit directly to Bukit Bintang) around RM 8-9, every hour
Where to eat: too much, just explore!
Place to stay: well, we have experience staying at Hotel Delapan (we love), Allston Genesis (so-so)
Commuter: Monorail is located nearby, just walking distance.
Where to go: China town, Shops at Bukit Bintang, KLCC, Batu Cave, Petronas Tower, and many more...hey, easy! just browse through the internet :)
Advise: don't worry if you arrive late in Bukit Bintang, it is packed almost all night long 24/7!

If arrive by train: then take the closest MRT from the train station (will update you on the name later) and go to wherever your hotel is located
Where to stay: we are cheap, as long as hotel has nice bed and bedroom we are fine. Damn! Singapore can be so expensive. So we stayed at Fragrance in 2006 and Seven Storey in 2007
Where to eat: Now this you have to be careful. As Moslem, we chosed Halal restaurant. There are a lot though in Bugis Junction. They even have Ayam Penyet. In fact, my first time to try Ayam Penyet is in Singapore. Crazy heh?
Where to go: get some nice shower, take a walk on pedestrian, which you can not do in Medan - We went to the Marina, then to Merlion, then to China town, back to Little India. Not to forget Science Center (is definite for the kids), Sentosa Island, temples.. gosh! Just too much, we have not even get them all done. We will though - why not!
Commuter: MRTs are available -and cheap - strongly recommended
Advise: Get worry if you arrive late in Singapore, even though it is very safe to wonder the city at night, but hey, not too many place I know are open at night, except bars.

Monday, April 23, 2007

That Magical Toba Lake

After a long while it is about time to return to Samosir island - do you know that this island is a super volcano that went off about 70.000 years ago. The volcano among the 5 (or 6?) in the world - and on the spot there the great grand daughter of King Sisingamangaraja is still running the Toledo Hotel.
Arriving at Parapat, then took the speed boat I could feel the breeze in my face and see the fog on the top of the mountains. the water that splashed on to my face feel sooo nice.

Right after lunch immediately we rushed to Pusu Buhit, where we can see the view of Toba lake from top then drove back through the country road passing Ambarita and Tomok.

Visit to a small village of the Ulos maker is something.. the rainbow colors of a more modern design seen from one corner to the other. Meanwhile more earthy color are made for the original design.
What a trip... should return again and stay longer :o)
and below are some shots from the inside of the Batak house....

Thursday, April 05, 2007

It was all started by the meeting at Star Buck at Sun Plaza that somehow led us the conversation that we need overseas outting - in order to broadened our knowledge (as for me agian and again.... hee hee) and shopping skills.. (yep, we all agree on that!, especially for Ai! GO AI!!!)

From buckies we rushed to immigration office and tried to get the passport to be done as soon as the next day.. all the efforts and smiles, flirts and even begs,... just to get them done.. ha ha... and the next 4 days no one can work 'normally' anymore' everyday, which somehow were filled with outside intruders... were used to order tickets, hotels... change money and last minute shopping for soaps, flip flop and light towel. It was a fun week.....

Air Asia memang top! dan tinggal di Medan memang bo'i bagi yang mau ke daratan tetangga... it's like... Melayuuu buanget gitchuu lho! .. the bird is there waiting.. and the heart was pounding.. (we wont mention why.. ) but it was Kun-T who was dealing with us on the departure.

As usual... it's like claiming the territory - we all had to make a 'quiet transit' at LCCT airport and then took a long drive by cheap 9RM shuttle in town

Here are some of the great pictures (after I had this battle in my head, I finally able to decide which pictures to be posted... hard man!)Introducing KL to Adek and Ai was fun... of course the first and second day were all filled with complain of our own place home.. why can't we at least be neat - funny! same color, same language, same root... and only a strait away.. it's only an inch in the map for God sake! but why are we so different - well... hopefully by the time we are going back we can take this to be told to others - and to take actions in our surroundings

Before taking the train to KL, we had quiet a fight with the evil taxi driver (tips: never agree to pay extra ringgit for each bag, be sure to have a guy with strong deep voice like Kun-T when he is angry, be sure to have 3 girls like us to scream all over the taxi driver... and... take of the lisence plate if the taxi is about to zoom off - but again, be sure you see the taxi card up front at the dashboard) otherwise, you would be screwed like we did.

Singapore was wet..

but we manage to shop.. shop til our pants drop.. buoooy.. talk about walking... it was nice - and indeed.. we need lots of H2O.. but the lunch and all the meals were great.. thanks to another dude Kun-S hee hee.... well.. we let them to show their respect to girls.. ha ha.. no.. really.. we were 'TOKEK' (TOurist KEre tapi Keren...hee hee)

The cable car to Sentosa island was a great ride - we got to see the port and other ships from top - then by the end of the day was entertained by the laser show at the big fountain (what do you call that again) - then the next day was spent all around Singapore until we heard that Kun-S had to return.. hmmm.. just the three of us to spend one more day in Singapore before returning back to KL..

The whole trip can become a comic to be told in details... but for sure this is the beginning of many more journeys hopefully... and to understand that..................... some people just LOVE to BUY SHOES... ha ha ha......( sike )

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Along Musi River, Going Inland to the Old Kingdom

Palembang.. hmm.. entering the city of Ancient Kingdom of Sriwijaya through the great river of Musi... too bad, they should do something on the Nelayan Kampongs along the river.. 

But here is some shots in Palembang..
Awesome city!

After the first election in Pangkal Pinang, we actually had a chance to go to the first city found in Bangka - the city of Mentok. As always, I am always facinated with the society and urban activities (if we can call this palce urban). City of Mentok, was known as the plac eto export white pepper - even though now it is ancient history since the value had gone down and they have decreased the productivity by a significant number (and do you know that Kentucky Fried Chicken used to have contract tiuse Mentok pepper just abotu a year ago? but now they have to take from other sources, since Mentok can no longer provide enough stock) -
let's all hope it will come back again.

The old port in Mentok, as usual, fisherman boats and little warung - definitely Asian.. the china town, the mansion on Tjong A Fok, the temple that is located next to the mosque... there has always been harmony, at least that what is explained by the local..

But what happen now? all that simplicity of friendship among different believes and culture will be put aside, only over money, power and status... what a sad thing to think about.

If only we all realize that at the end, nothing that we need to achieve, aside then we always hope we do something good for the society and family, for the future of our children...

Here goes Mentok! (in mentok, both of these buildings are located side by side, even with connectting door!!!! great, huh?)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

From distance I could see the green islands of the Bangka Belitung Province.. as the plane was lowering, reaching to the local airport, the green began to be decorated by the colorful ponds... ponds of the illegal mining sites, leaving a major destruction to the environment...hhhh...

The city of Pangkal Pinang reminds me of a small town where everyone knows everyone elese. It has just enough facilities to let the local dwellers to have bit fun in between their routines as retailers. However, still you can see the airlines from/ to Jakarta is fully booked at all time.

Bangka, as a mixed place of Malay, Tionghoa and Palembang, performed a unique culture. The languange of "Peranakan" is heard all over town, mixed with Indonesian and Mandarin. This could be the only place in Sumatra where you can see Mandarin.

I witness a great mix and relations among the Tionghoa and Malay. As most of them mentioned that "I am part of them, they are part of me - there is always Tionghoa blood in the Malays, and Malay blood in Tionghoas"

But again, all this beauty and natural resouces will not be seen when not digged up and promote well.. the natural beauty will definitely die when we, the local, who lives in Indonesia, and those out there, do not make any action to save it from the environemntal destrcution.

Bangka Belitung is such a rich province. It is standing in the world tin belt for God sake! Do something to make change. Think of the future of our children.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Going to Meulaboh.. by small airplane..MAF airline,
see the lining of the coconut tree - I thought to myself.. my what a potential.. but then again.. nobody really cared.. or is it just the slow changes that we can do?